Wednesday 9 November 2011

Buckle Up!

We all have occupied a car at some point in our lives and we know that the roads we drive our cars on today are chaotic and dangerous. It is through this chaos and danger that we place ourselves by taking to the roads in cars that our lives are put in jeopardy. If we were to be involved in an accident we could die due to the impact of the collision. This is an outcome we should avoid because despite death being ultimately inevitable we should aim to live as long as possible because we can all contribute in some way, shape or form to society.

Heavy traffic and congestion on roads can lead to chaos and danger

A good way of minimising the likelihood of death if you are involved in a car accident is to be seated in a safe manner wearing while correctly wearing a well-fitted seat belt. While this idea may have been initially ridiculed by the general public, it has proved to be a life saving revelation as this phenomenon has saved lives. Although at first glance it seems unreasonable that such a minor addition to the seats of cars can save so many lives there is a scientifically solid reason behind this that makes it make sense. Science has proved that seat belts offer a five way system of protection to its designated wearer.

Point 1Keeps the occupants of the vehicle inside.

It keeps you in your seat and not out of your seat (e.g. if you were to leave your seat and go through the windshield, which could make you sustain an unwanted injury)

Point 2Restrains the strongest parts of the body 

It keeps the strongest parts of your body (e.g. the torso and biceps) from leaving the seat and going through the windshield and injuring yourself.

Point 3Spreads out any force from the collision

It distributes the force of the collision (generally measured in G-forces) more equally on the body as to prevent you from getting too much strain on one part of your body which could injure you severely if there were too many "G-forces" applied on a certain body part.

Point 4Helps the body to slow down

If the body does not slow down it will continue to travel at the previous speed that the vehicle you were in was going prior to the crash making you more likely than not to go through the windshield and injure yourself.

Point 5Protects your brain and spinal cord

It aids in the protection of your brain and spinal cord by preventing them from going through the windshield, as it has been noted that going through windshields can contribute to brain and spinal injuries. (On a related note we should all be maintaining our spinal health by regularly visiting a chiropractor as the spine is the 'freeway' of the nervous system and it is the nervous system that helps us move)

This sign implies that if you don't fasten your seat belt that you could potentially die which could potentially disappoint the people around them

To fully gain the advantages of the revolutionary seat belt we must wear it correctly. To do this we must follow the steps shown in this instructional video. I would recommend practicing the correct application, preferably in front of a mirror so you can see if your technique is correct, after watching this informative instructional video as the incorrect technique can prove to be fatal because the wearer does not get full access to the five way system of protection and although four ways may seem sufficient at the time it is not as safe as five because there is one less system of protection. This logic also applies to if the wearer were to have zero, one, two or three systems of protection too!

While sharing seat belts may seem like a good idea, the seat belt is only designed for individual use and thus sharing a seat and a seat belt is a hazardous activity which I would strongly advise against. Thank you for reading this entry on seat belts and I sincerely hope that you leave this page more knowledgeable on the importance of wearing a seat belt while sitting in a car seat. For the more safety conscious readers I would recommend that they take this innovation of seat belts on car seats and use it on regular seats such as sofas, chairs or even armchairs because in today's dangerous society you can never be too safe.

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