Sunday 13 November 2011

The Dangers of Younger Students

We've all seen them, they lurk around shopping centres in packs on weekends wearing the bare minimum of clothing that is socially acceptable. These teenage girls are generally between the ages of 14-17 and are attracted to the noise of car keys. They bombard Facebook news feeds with their persistent sharing of their own photographs where they use the flimsiest of excuses to show an uncomfortable amount of flesh. These photographs are usually accompanied by song lyrics as the caption to explain to the viewer what deep and meaningful thought compelled them to strike such a stupid pose and post it as their profile picture. They garner a ridiculous amount of likes generally because they have a friends list that exceeds 1,000 and this list mainly comprises of fellow platonic and shallow female friends that heap praise on them by giving them superficial compliments and faux support on their photographs or young males who add them out of pure lust. These pubescent girls are collectively known as "Younger Students", often shortened to "Y.S.".

Generally speaking Younger Students possess an irrational mindset, they see life as one big popularity contest which they must win. They reach their goals using undesirable methodology, they social climb, they develop a sense of promiscuity at an alarmingly early age and most shockingly they don't take their schooling with the utmost of seriousness, sometimes even skipping their designated classes. To think that this lack of shame and complete irresponsibility dictates lives and the identities of the fairly impressionable Younger Students is a sickening thought. Not only do they disgrace themselves but they disgrace their parents too! 

The Seven Deadly Sins. The Y.S. do at least five of these at any given time

Their moral virtues have been replaced with greed. Today's environment promotes that we are all in it for ourselves and when this is the message that the youth of today have, it will lead to a selfish and compassionless generation. This sudden influx of Y.S. is due to a generation of girls that are insecure about themselves due to the forced sexualisation that Western culture forces upon them at a young age. Although these external influences do not explicitly make them into Younger Students it encourages the Y.S. lifestyle leading the more naive of females to adopt this lifestyle. While these Younger Students might mean well they are still sinning. It is this corrupt society where good old fashioned values are being ignored that ultimately provides for a catalyst for cataclysm.  We are ignoring the values of the Lord too regularly and television shows such as Family Guy and South Park are able to even mock our Saviour publicly on national television! It is through our disrespect for this untainted spirituality that preaches humility, courtesy and respect that we allow ourselves to become one of Satan's "Younger Students". Ultimately with their superficiality and selfishness this demographic of Y.S. represent a very real threat to the integrity of hard-working civilians.

A simple and logical solution would be to wage a Holy War against all things impure and evil. Military intervention against the things that threaten the moral fibre of all that is good in the world is a necessity that cannot be delayed any longer. Attacking shopping centres, oil-rich countries and other notorious Y.S. hotspots is the most effective way of going about this. We should implement more Bible Classes where attendance is voluntary among our constituents to make sure that we give all the Younger Students the opportunity to reform from their sinning ways. Those that do not wish to attend these classes have shown that they do not recognise their downfalls or have their own and Australia's best interests at heart. These Younger Students are beyond saving with my recommendation being that we rid ourselves of these selfish and tainted souls by immediate deportation.

This man offers the Y.S. comfort with the Good Book
If deportation proves to be a costly venture another alternative for Younger Students that are unwilling to reform is simply to cull them. Such an option would create jobs and it would dispose of the offending Y.S. in a cost-effective manner. This would be a win-win situation as we would be rid of scantily clad minors in crop tops that show off their belly button piercings while simultaneously boosting our economy.

I urge you dear reader, to strongly consider the points of contention discussed in this entry as our souls depend on it and inaction could prove to lead an evil life of sin.

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