Tuesday 21 June 2011

Butt Out!

An issue that gravely concerns me is smoking. Smoking is a seriously risqué activity with the potential to have very real consequences including cancer, death and even bad breath. I feel that the activity of smoking should be prohibited and in this article I shall attempt to outline my reasoning for such radical action.

It has been proven that there are no negative side effects if you greatly reduce serious risks to your health

Smokers are jokers.[1]. Unfortunately for them April Fool’s comes only once a year. So for the other 364 days of the year (and 365 in a leap year) these clowns are left damaging their lungs and leaving a warpath of destruction in their wake.  What does this warpath consist of you ask? It consists of murder. These homicidal maniacs are not only playing Grim Reaper with themselves through their dangerous activity but through the recently discovered phenomenon of passive smoking they are spreading over 4,000 minute doses of toxins into your body too! I mean let’s be realistic, do you want to die because of these walking health hazards? If the answer is no, then you agree that smoking should be banned.

On a personal note I was sitting in an unnamed major fast food chain's outlet innocently eating my Large Big Mac Meal[2] and as I was about to take a sip out of my large Sprite[3] when I inhaled something toxic. You can probably already guess what that was, yes it was smoke from a smoker. I felt the cancer brewing in my cells and my lungs rapidly deteriorating, I passed out and saw the pearly white gates of heaven. Thankfully I woke up from my comatose but I had to visit my local general practitioner and have many precautionary tests taken to see if I indeed was still healthy. Luckily I was but this should send a message out to others. If this is what can happen after inadvertently inhaling passive smoke once what could happen if you were to accidentally inhale twice or maybe even thrice!

I would further like to dismiss the notion that smoking is “cool”. Please refer to the image below and tell me if that is “cool”[4][5].

Definitely not cool

The thought of smoking killing not only the apathetic smoking fraternity but innocent bystanders also is alarming. We cannot allow for this genocide to continue! If we unite together as one these jokers will no longer destroy the moral fibres of society through their anti-social and lewd behaviour. 

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