Thursday 16 June 2011

Keep it clean

We all know one, they are sneaky, manipulative, irresponsible and they are slowly destroying society as we know it, these treacherous vandals go more commonly by the name of litterbugs. No, they are not actual bugs, this is merely a moniker given to the dastardly people who go out of their way to ruin our existence.

Sound advice from a soundly made anti-littering campaign poster

Littering is prevalent in today’s society and it is a significant environmental problem. That is a fact. If we are haphazard in our fight against littering, society as we know it will be undermined by this sick, despicable and unnatural act. That is also a fact. We as a modern society should not have common waste products such as containers, papers, wrappers and an litany of various plastics being disposed of without consent. Throwing these items on the ground is not responsible as they have not been disposed of properly. That also is a fact. These facts are disconcerting and we should do something about them!

While it is true that throughout human history people have disposed of their unwanted materials in public domains this plague of irresponsibility is curable! We cannot allow ourselves to lose our happy and healthy lifestyles due to our laziness, because these unsanitary conditions will ultimately overcome us and we will become a world overrun by famine and inadequate hygiene.

Another soundly made anti-litter poster that I feel truly gets the message that littering and rubbish are dirty whilst maintaining its sense of humour with a clever pun. A tactful ploy if I've ever seen one.

Below are the decomposition rates for common items that are disposed of without consent

Banana/Orange Peel
2-5 weeks
Cotton rag
1-5 months
Cigarette butt
1-5 years
Wool clothing
1-5 years
Plastic-coated paper
5 years
Plastic bag
10-20 years
Painted wooden stake
13 years
Plastic film container
20-30 years
Nylon fabric
30-40 years
up to 50 years
Rubber boot sole
50-80 years
Aluminum can
200-500 years
Plastic 6-pack cover
450 years
Glass bottle
1 million years

Some of these numbers are astronomically high and unfortunately the current chemical properties of these various items prevent them from being reduced to zero. So now it is clear that we cannot change the decomposition rates of these items that are being readily littered we must instead reduce our littering output to zero.

An unsightly sight

I believe that we can do it as we are already taking the right steps in attempting to rectify this epidemic, littering is now a finable offense though I believe that we should be harsher on litterbugs. They are criminals and should be treated as such, I believe that along with fining these deviants we should incarcerate them for their heinous acts. They are denying our human rights to feeling safe. How can we feel safe when there could be a plague imminent!

Please report these disturbers of the peace

I thank those of you who do not litter but this is not enough. We must fight these cruel souls that destroy this planet in a safe and non-violent manner together. While they are ignorant of their acts we must become tolerant of them and hopefully we shall eradicate their selfish mindset for once and for all.

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