Wednesday 15 June 2011

An Introduction

Hey guys, my name is Filip and I have decided to create a blog
Firstly I should probably introduce myself, I am seventeen and I attend Viewbank College. I enjoy school, considering it to be an extension of myself viewing it as a place where I can better myself. Being in year twelve I do consider myself a role model to other students and I try to encourage them to respect the school with my diligent, safe and fun-loving demeanour[1]. I made this blog in hope to make it easier for students of the college to acquire good study habits and to promote safety.

I am more than happy to tackle the controversial issues that plague modern day society. Some of these have become so common that they're barely noticed. I believe that this is a disgrace! We should not be accepting such degrading behaviour! I feel that we should take a stand against these matters and move society forwards through preaching the moral virtues of diligence, earnestness, sobriety and chivalry.

The other day I was walking down the street in a safe manner and to my horror I saw a youth jaywalking!  This reckless method of crossing not only endangers the pedestrian's life but it is an illegal[2] activity! The youth in question evidently did not consider the possible ramifications of jaywalking as his illegal crossing of the road could have lead to serious injury or even in some cases, death! It is an urban traffic safety problem. In America 59% of pedestrian deaths occur outside of designated crosswalks while fewer than one fifth occur in close proximity to a crosswalk[3]. I stress to youth that jaywalking is not "cool", rather it is a foolish practice that needs to stop as it is taking a lives at alarming rate.

Dangerous and destructive behaviour by some ignorant young males

Getting hit by a car is something that we should avoid at all costs because it will not only affect us, it would affect the ones around us too. While some may dismiss that jaywalking is an issue worth discussing, I wish to ask them this, is it really okay to readily expose yourself to serious bodily harm[4]? Using traffic lights when they are within twenty metres is not optional, it’s the law![5] Some people need to realise that these traffic lights have been placed there so they can safely cross the road and avoid potentially dangerous situations. I was shocked that this youth would have the courage to jaywalk, with what, his whole life ahead of him, so willingly. I have started a petition that if it garners enough support, I will send to the State Government that will promote an educational program in every school in Victoria regarding jaywalking that alerts adolescents that jaywalking is not only dangerous, but criminal.

I hope that there are other such like-minded and responsible youths like myself who are willing to crusade against this illegal activity and that this case of the jaywalking youth is an unfortunate and an isolated one.

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