Sunday 13 November 2011

The Dangers of Younger Students

We've all seen them, they lurk around shopping centres in packs on weekends wearing the bare minimum of clothing that is socially acceptable. These teenage girls are generally between the ages of 14-17 and are attracted to the noise of car keys. They bombard Facebook news feeds with their persistent sharing of their own photographs where they use the flimsiest of excuses to show an uncomfortable amount of flesh. These photographs are usually accompanied by song lyrics as the caption to explain to the viewer what deep and meaningful thought compelled them to strike such a stupid pose and post it as their profile picture. They garner a ridiculous amount of likes generally because they have a friends list that exceeds 1,000 and this list mainly comprises of fellow platonic and shallow female friends that heap praise on them by giving them superficial compliments and faux support on their photographs or young males who add them out of pure lust. These pubescent girls are collectively known as "Younger Students", often shortened to "Y.S.".

Generally speaking Younger Students possess an irrational mindset, they see life as one big popularity contest which they must win. They reach their goals using undesirable methodology, they social climb, they develop a sense of promiscuity at an alarmingly early age and most shockingly they don't take their schooling with the utmost of seriousness, sometimes even skipping their designated classes. To think that this lack of shame and complete irresponsibility dictates lives and the identities of the fairly impressionable Younger Students is a sickening thought. Not only do they disgrace themselves but they disgrace their parents too! 

The Seven Deadly Sins. The Y.S. do at least five of these at any given time

Their moral virtues have been replaced with greed. Today's environment promotes that we are all in it for ourselves and when this is the message that the youth of today have, it will lead to a selfish and compassionless generation. This sudden influx of Y.S. is due to a generation of girls that are insecure about themselves due to the forced sexualisation that Western culture forces upon them at a young age. Although these external influences do not explicitly make them into Younger Students it encourages the Y.S. lifestyle leading the more naive of females to adopt this lifestyle. While these Younger Students might mean well they are still sinning. It is this corrupt society where good old fashioned values are being ignored that ultimately provides for a catalyst for cataclysm.  We are ignoring the values of the Lord too regularly and television shows such as Family Guy and South Park are able to even mock our Saviour publicly on national television! It is through our disrespect for this untainted spirituality that preaches humility, courtesy and respect that we allow ourselves to become one of Satan's "Younger Students". Ultimately with their superficiality and selfishness this demographic of Y.S. represent a very real threat to the integrity of hard-working civilians.

A simple and logical solution would be to wage a Holy War against all things impure and evil. Military intervention against the things that threaten the moral fibre of all that is good in the world is a necessity that cannot be delayed any longer. Attacking shopping centres, oil-rich countries and other notorious Y.S. hotspots is the most effective way of going about this. We should implement more Bible Classes where attendance is voluntary among our constituents to make sure that we give all the Younger Students the opportunity to reform from their sinning ways. Those that do not wish to attend these classes have shown that they do not recognise their downfalls or have their own and Australia's best interests at heart. These Younger Students are beyond saving with my recommendation being that we rid ourselves of these selfish and tainted souls by immediate deportation.

This man offers the Y.S. comfort with the Good Book
If deportation proves to be a costly venture another alternative for Younger Students that are unwilling to reform is simply to cull them. Such an option would create jobs and it would dispose of the offending Y.S. in a cost-effective manner. This would be a win-win situation as we would be rid of scantily clad minors in crop tops that show off their belly button piercings while simultaneously boosting our economy.

I urge you dear reader, to strongly consider the points of contention discussed in this entry as our souls depend on it and inaction could prove to lead an evil life of sin.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Buckle Up!

We all have occupied a car at some point in our lives and we know that the roads we drive our cars on today are chaotic and dangerous. It is through this chaos and danger that we place ourselves by taking to the roads in cars that our lives are put in jeopardy. If we were to be involved in an accident we could die due to the impact of the collision. This is an outcome we should avoid because despite death being ultimately inevitable we should aim to live as long as possible because we can all contribute in some way, shape or form to society.

Heavy traffic and congestion on roads can lead to chaos and danger

A good way of minimising the likelihood of death if you are involved in a car accident is to be seated in a safe manner wearing while correctly wearing a well-fitted seat belt. While this idea may have been initially ridiculed by the general public, it has proved to be a life saving revelation as this phenomenon has saved lives. Although at first glance it seems unreasonable that such a minor addition to the seats of cars can save so many lives there is a scientifically solid reason behind this that makes it make sense. Science has proved that seat belts offer a five way system of protection to its designated wearer.

Point 1Keeps the occupants of the vehicle inside.

It keeps you in your seat and not out of your seat (e.g. if you were to leave your seat and go through the windshield, which could make you sustain an unwanted injury)

Point 2Restrains the strongest parts of the body 

It keeps the strongest parts of your body (e.g. the torso and biceps) from leaving the seat and going through the windshield and injuring yourself.

Point 3Spreads out any force from the collision

It distributes the force of the collision (generally measured in G-forces) more equally on the body as to prevent you from getting too much strain on one part of your body which could injure you severely if there were too many "G-forces" applied on a certain body part.

Point 4Helps the body to slow down

If the body does not slow down it will continue to travel at the previous speed that the vehicle you were in was going prior to the crash making you more likely than not to go through the windshield and injure yourself.

Point 5Protects your brain and spinal cord

It aids in the protection of your brain and spinal cord by preventing them from going through the windshield, as it has been noted that going through windshields can contribute to brain and spinal injuries. (On a related note we should all be maintaining our spinal health by regularly visiting a chiropractor as the spine is the 'freeway' of the nervous system and it is the nervous system that helps us move)

This sign implies that if you don't fasten your seat belt that you could potentially die which could potentially disappoint the people around them

To fully gain the advantages of the revolutionary seat belt we must wear it correctly. To do this we must follow the steps shown in this instructional video. I would recommend practicing the correct application, preferably in front of a mirror so you can see if your technique is correct, after watching this informative instructional video as the incorrect technique can prove to be fatal because the wearer does not get full access to the five way system of protection and although four ways may seem sufficient at the time it is not as safe as five because there is one less system of protection. This logic also applies to if the wearer were to have zero, one, two or three systems of protection too!

While sharing seat belts may seem like a good idea, the seat belt is only designed for individual use and thus sharing a seat and a seat belt is a hazardous activity which I would strongly advise against. Thank you for reading this entry on seat belts and I sincerely hope that you leave this page more knowledgeable on the importance of wearing a seat belt while sitting in a car seat. For the more safety conscious readers I would recommend that they take this innovation of seat belts on car seats and use it on regular seats such as sofas, chairs or even armchairs because in today's dangerous society you can never be too safe.

Thursday 14 July 2011

It Ain't Worth It

The issue of safe sex is a pressing one amongst most adolescents and young adults of today. It is an issue that deserves it's own informative video with former NBA MVP, two time NBA champion, 10 time NBA All-Star, 10 time All-NBA teamer, 8 time All-Defensive NBA teamer, Defensive Player of the Year, Rookie of the Year and Basketball Hall of Famer David Robinson and three time NBA champion, former NBA All-Star,  All-Defensive NBA teamer, PAC-10 conference player of the year and an ironman who holds the all-time record in consecutive games played, A.C. Green. It also features a cameo from a ten time Pro-Bowl selection, ten time All-Pro selection, two time NFL Offensive Player of the Year, NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year, a two time winner of the Bert Bell Award, Heisemann Trophy winner,  third leading rusher off all time in the NFL and a Professional and Collegiate Football Hall of Famer, Barry Sanders.

These men did not give into peer pressure and avoided the many pitfalls that come with sex such as AIDS, pregnancy, pain and even death and became legends of their sports. So if you want to be like them, avoid the honeys and avoid death!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Butt Out!

An issue that gravely concerns me is smoking. Smoking is a seriously risqué activity with the potential to have very real consequences including cancer, death and even bad breath. I feel that the activity of smoking should be prohibited and in this article I shall attempt to outline my reasoning for such radical action.

It has been proven that there are no negative side effects if you greatly reduce serious risks to your health

Smokers are jokers.[1]. Unfortunately for them April Fool’s comes only once a year. So for the other 364 days of the year (and 365 in a leap year) these clowns are left damaging their lungs and leaving a warpath of destruction in their wake.  What does this warpath consist of you ask? It consists of murder. These homicidal maniacs are not only playing Grim Reaper with themselves through their dangerous activity but through the recently discovered phenomenon of passive smoking they are spreading over 4,000 minute doses of toxins into your body too! I mean let’s be realistic, do you want to die because of these walking health hazards? If the answer is no, then you agree that smoking should be banned.

On a personal note I was sitting in an unnamed major fast food chain's outlet innocently eating my Large Big Mac Meal[2] and as I was about to take a sip out of my large Sprite[3] when I inhaled something toxic. You can probably already guess what that was, yes it was smoke from a smoker. I felt the cancer brewing in my cells and my lungs rapidly deteriorating, I passed out and saw the pearly white gates of heaven. Thankfully I woke up from my comatose but I had to visit my local general practitioner and have many precautionary tests taken to see if I indeed was still healthy. Luckily I was but this should send a message out to others. If this is what can happen after inadvertently inhaling passive smoke once what could happen if you were to accidentally inhale twice or maybe even thrice!

I would further like to dismiss the notion that smoking is “cool”. Please refer to the image below and tell me if that is “cool”[4][5].

Definitely not cool

The thought of smoking killing not only the apathetic smoking fraternity but innocent bystanders also is alarming. We cannot allow for this genocide to continue! If we unite together as one these jokers will no longer destroy the moral fibres of society through their anti-social and lewd behaviour. 

Thursday 16 June 2011

Keep it clean

We all know one, they are sneaky, manipulative, irresponsible and they are slowly destroying society as we know it, these treacherous vandals go more commonly by the name of litterbugs. No, they are not actual bugs, this is merely a moniker given to the dastardly people who go out of their way to ruin our existence.

Sound advice from a soundly made anti-littering campaign poster

Littering is prevalent in today’s society and it is a significant environmental problem. That is a fact. If we are haphazard in our fight against littering, society as we know it will be undermined by this sick, despicable and unnatural act. That is also a fact. We as a modern society should not have common waste products such as containers, papers, wrappers and an litany of various plastics being disposed of without consent. Throwing these items on the ground is not responsible as they have not been disposed of properly. That also is a fact. These facts are disconcerting and we should do something about them!

While it is true that throughout human history people have disposed of their unwanted materials in public domains this plague of irresponsibility is curable! We cannot allow ourselves to lose our happy and healthy lifestyles due to our laziness, because these unsanitary conditions will ultimately overcome us and we will become a world overrun by famine and inadequate hygiene.

Another soundly made anti-litter poster that I feel truly gets the message that littering and rubbish are dirty whilst maintaining its sense of humour with a clever pun. A tactful ploy if I've ever seen one.

Below are the decomposition rates for common items that are disposed of without consent

Banana/Orange Peel
2-5 weeks
Cotton rag
1-5 months
Cigarette butt
1-5 years
Wool clothing
1-5 years
Plastic-coated paper
5 years
Plastic bag
10-20 years
Painted wooden stake
13 years
Plastic film container
20-30 years
Nylon fabric
30-40 years
up to 50 years
Rubber boot sole
50-80 years
Aluminum can
200-500 years
Plastic 6-pack cover
450 years
Glass bottle
1 million years

Some of these numbers are astronomically high and unfortunately the current chemical properties of these various items prevent them from being reduced to zero. So now it is clear that we cannot change the decomposition rates of these items that are being readily littered we must instead reduce our littering output to zero.

An unsightly sight

I believe that we can do it as we are already taking the right steps in attempting to rectify this epidemic, littering is now a finable offense though I believe that we should be harsher on litterbugs. They are criminals and should be treated as such, I believe that along with fining these deviants we should incarcerate them for their heinous acts. They are denying our human rights to feeling safe. How can we feel safe when there could be a plague imminent!

Please report these disturbers of the peace

I thank those of you who do not litter but this is not enough. We must fight these cruel souls that destroy this planet in a safe and non-violent manner together. While they are ignorant of their acts we must become tolerant of them and hopefully we shall eradicate their selfish mindset for once and for all.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

An Introduction

Hey guys, my name is Filip and I have decided to create a blog
Firstly I should probably introduce myself, I am seventeen and I attend Viewbank College. I enjoy school, considering it to be an extension of myself viewing it as a place where I can better myself. Being in year twelve I do consider myself a role model to other students and I try to encourage them to respect the school with my diligent, safe and fun-loving demeanour[1]. I made this blog in hope to make it easier for students of the college to acquire good study habits and to promote safety.

I am more than happy to tackle the controversial issues that plague modern day society. Some of these have become so common that they're barely noticed. I believe that this is a disgrace! We should not be accepting such degrading behaviour! I feel that we should take a stand against these matters and move society forwards through preaching the moral virtues of diligence, earnestness, sobriety and chivalry.

The other day I was walking down the street in a safe manner and to my horror I saw a youth jaywalking!  This reckless method of crossing not only endangers the pedestrian's life but it is an illegal[2] activity! The youth in question evidently did not consider the possible ramifications of jaywalking as his illegal crossing of the road could have lead to serious injury or even in some cases, death! It is an urban traffic safety problem. In America 59% of pedestrian deaths occur outside of designated crosswalks while fewer than one fifth occur in close proximity to a crosswalk[3]. I stress to youth that jaywalking is not "cool", rather it is a foolish practice that needs to stop as it is taking a lives at alarming rate.

Dangerous and destructive behaviour by some ignorant young males

Getting hit by a car is something that we should avoid at all costs because it will not only affect us, it would affect the ones around us too. While some may dismiss that jaywalking is an issue worth discussing, I wish to ask them this, is it really okay to readily expose yourself to serious bodily harm[4]? Using traffic lights when they are within twenty metres is not optional, it’s the law![5] Some people need to realise that these traffic lights have been placed there so they can safely cross the road and avoid potentially dangerous situations. I was shocked that this youth would have the courage to jaywalk, with what, his whole life ahead of him, so willingly. I have started a petition that if it garners enough support, I will send to the State Government that will promote an educational program in every school in Victoria regarding jaywalking that alerts adolescents that jaywalking is not only dangerous, but criminal.

I hope that there are other such like-minded and responsible youths like myself who are willing to crusade against this illegal activity and that this case of the jaywalking youth is an unfortunate and an isolated one.